Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2015 International Catering Cup - Team Shangri-La Represents France

by Paige Donner

At the International Catering Cup competition held earlier this month in Toulouse, the team from Paris's Shangri-La Hotel took home the top prize. This means they will be representing France in the International competition held in 2015.

Created in 2008 the International Catering Cup has since drawn some of the best caterers from around the world. This championship has become a token of fame and renown. Over the years this contest has become an invaluable motivator that drives the profession. This was the original intention of the creator, Joel Mauvigney, President of the CNCT, Confederation nationale des charcutiers-traiteurs et traiteurs.)

Shangri-La Winning Team
Shangri-La Winning Team

The Shangri-La Hotel's Catering team from Paris won first place at the International Catering Cup selections for 2015. This is the team that will represent France in the international competitions in 2015.

L'équipe Ile de France du Shangri-la remporte la première place de la Sélection France de l'International Catering Cup 2015.

Le 9 et 10 février 2014 s'est déroulée au Salon Smahrt à Toulouse la Sélection France de l'International Catering Cup 2015, organisée par la Confédération Nationale des Charcutiers-Traiteurs et Traiteurs.

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